
I'd love to receive your feedback, so please feel free to drop me a line by clicking on email me, and I will respond to you personally. If you have any recommendations or books you think I'd enjoy, please let me know.

Authors and Publicists

If you'd like me to review your book, my favourite genres are historical fiction, crime, thrillers, mysteries and suspense filled novels. While I occasionally read outside these genres, these summarise what I enjoy most. When deciding whether I am the right kind of book blogger for your book, please feel free to glance at my tag cloud - on the right hand side of my blog - to give you a snapshot of my tastes or check out the Books By Author page to give you a different overview.

I prefer hard copy in the first instance although I can also read e-books via email or NetGalley. If I review your book I'll do so with complete integrity and honesty, and make a mention at the beginning of my post that this book was from the author/publisher for review.

I'm an active user of GoodReads and LibraryThing and will post my star rating and review at those sites also, giving you additional exposure. If you are using excerpts of my review on your author website, please let me know and I'd love a link back to the full review on my blog (hint hint).

I can't read every book that comes my way and have many reading commitments on at the moment. You're more than welcome to send your request through, however I'm having to be very selective at the moment due to time constraints and so many great books out there.

Thanks and Happy Reading!