- 2016 Australian Women Writers Challenge - completed
- Aussie Author Challenge 2016 - completed
- Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2016 - finished but didn't complete
I've signed up for the Franklin level (highest level) of the 2016 Australian Women Writers Challenge and will need to read 10 books by Australian women and review at least 6 of them to be successful.
Social media tags: #aww2016 @auswomenwriters
Books read for the challenge:
1. Missing | Melanie Casey
2. All These Perfect Strangers | Aoife Clifford
3. The Golden Day | Ursula Dubosarsky
4. Precious Things | Kelly Doust
5. The Twisted Knot | J.M. Peace
6. Out of the Ice | Ann Turner
7. The Good People | Hannah Kent
8. The Troubles Keeper | Susan May
9. Beyond the Orchard | Anna Romer
10. Southern Ruby | Belinda Alexandra
11. The Better Son | Katherine Johnson
The Aussie Author Challenge 2016 is hosted by Booklover Book Reviews and I've signed up for their Kangaroo level; the highest level in the challenge.

Here are the challenge requirements:
- Read and review 12 titles written by Australian authors;
- At least 4 female and 4 male authors;
- At least 4 new authors (to me);
- A minimum of 3 genres.
Social media tags: #aussieauthor @BLBookReviews
Books read for the challenge:
1. Missing | Melanie Casey
2. I'll Go Home Then; It's Warm and Has Chairs - The Unpublished Emails | David Thorne
3. All These Perfect Strangers | Aoife Clifford
4. The Secret Heiress | Luke Devenish
5. The Golden Day | Ursula Dubosarsky
6. Precious Things | Kelly Doust
7. The Twisted Knot | J.M. Peace
8. Out of the Ice | Ann Turner
9. The Falls | B. Michael Radburn
10. The Good People | Hannah Kent
11. The Troubles Keeper | Susan May
12. Beyond the Orchard | Anna Romer
13. The Tao Deception | John M. Green
14. Southern Ruby | Belinda Alexandra
15. Roger Rogerson | Duncan McNab
16. The Better Son | Katherine Johnson
17. Mount Buggery to Nowhere Else | Eamon Evans
I've signed up for the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2016 hosted by Passages to the Past and committed to the Medieval level, and will need to read a minimum of 15 historical fiction novels by 31 December 2016.

Social media tags: #2016HFReadingChallenge @abruno77
Books read for the challenge:
1. The Secret Heiress | Luke Devenish
2. The Golden Day | Ursula Dubosarsky
3. Precious Things | Kelly Doust
4. Falling Angels | Tracy Chevalier
5. The House Between Tides | Sarah Maine
6. Dark Aemilia | Sally O'Reilly
7. Three Sisters, Three Queens | Philippa Gregory