10 June 2019

Carpe Librum Celebrates 1000 Posts

I've now published 1000 posts since starting this blog back in 2005 and this is officially my 1,001st post! To mark this significant milestone, I'm in the process of making a few changes here at Carpe Librum.

I joined several blogging networks this year in an effort to improve my blogging skills and have definitely seen the benefits of addressing several gaps in my blogging knowledge.

Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash
It's an ongoing learning curve, so I just want to say thank you for sticking with me as I continue to learn and improve. I'm completely self taught and have made some significant changes over the years. Some you might recall include: a name change to Carpe Librum and my own URL (2012), launching my first logo (2016), celebrating 1,000,000 views (December 2017) and this year migrating my email subscribers to MailChimp. As I continue to learn and tweak things behind the scenes at Carpe Librum, my success continues to improve and I expect to surpass 1,200,000 website views this month.

What you definitely won't see is the appearance of annoying pop-up ads or ads showing up in my reviews or featured on my sidebars. I hate seeing that on other sites and will continue to resist the urge to pollute my page with ads to earn advertising dollars.

If you'd like to see more - or less - of a particular kind of post, feel free to send me your feedback any time.

There is still plenty more I need to learn, but hopefully you'll see a change with the arrival of a new overall look and feel in the next few weeks. Those technically minded might be interested to know some of the behind the scenes tasks include: fixing hundreds of broken links, adding alt properties to images, learning about and improving my Domain Authority and learning how to use Google Analytics and Google Console.

Wish me luck.

Carpe Librum!

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  1. Congratulations! Massive effort!
    I would really like to be able to just give your posts a Like. I read them, but often don’t have anything constructive to add. So a Like would allow me to let you know that your post has been appreciated.
    Again, great work!

  2. Congrats on 1000 posts - huge effort and a major accomplishment!!

    I use blogger too, & wish & wish for a 'like' button May. It feels like it has been a long time since blogger received any love from its developers.

  3. Thanks for the feedback May and Brona, I really appreciate it. A Facebook Like button sometimes shows but not consistently so it's definitely something I'm working on. And thanks for the kind words May, it means a lot.

    And thanks to you too Brona, you're right it has been a huge effort, but also a labour of love. If I can get a resolution on the like button I'll let you know. I'm using the services of someone from the FB group called KimSix Blogger Support (For Bloggers on Blogger). It's an excellent network for Blogger users like us with plenty of expertise and tips etc.

    Wow, thanks Veronica, that's so amazing to hear. I'm often inspired by others but never think that I could be inspiring anyone else in turn, so thanks a million :-) That's so kind of you. We just love doing our thing, don't we?

  4. Wonderful, Tracey - congratulations! I admit that I've noticed changes in Carpe Librum but I couldn't have said what.

    A 'like' would be nice. ;-)

  5. Thanks Debbie, that means it's been seamless. Hopefully anyway :-)

    And more support for a like button means I'll HAVE to get it sorted, thanks for your feedback.

  6. Thanks Shelleyrae, it's so wonderful to have you back on the scene to share these milestones with.

  7. Congratulations Tracey. Your blog is always interesting and I may not comment on all the posts but I read every one of them from my inbox. I really blogger had a like button too!

    1. Thanks Theresa, that's so wonderful to hear. I'm in the process of working on a like button at the moment, so stay tuned :-)

  8. I'm pleased to be able to come back and let you all know (May, Brona, Veronica, Debbie, Shelleyrae and Theresa) that I now have a Facebook like button on all new posts, yippee!


Thanks for your comment, Carpe Librum!