06 December 2018

Review: Absolute Proof by Peter James

* Copy courtesy of Pan Macmillan *

Ross Hunter, Investigative Journalist learns there may be absolute proof of the existence of God and decides to investigate. Under serious threat from several organisations who seek the evidence Ross is gathering, Absolute Proof has been compared to The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I loved The Da Vinci Code so decided to give this a go, however the only connection I could see was the concept of Jesus Christ's DNA being passed down to the present day. Despite the hieroglyphics on the cover, there are no puzzles or riddles to solve here. In fact, Ross's trip to Egypt was brief and hieroglyphics didn't factor in the story at all so I have no idea why they grace the cover.

Peter James is a bestselling author who has written a tonne of books but this was my first time reading his work. I found Ross's character to be a little irritating at times and I soon grew weary of wading through the endless descriptions of scenery and mundane tasks. Ross's ruminations also took up too much space and only served to recap his thoughts on the goings on; which is boring if you're the sort of reader able to keep up with what's happening.

And the ending? Where do I start? The ending left far too many unanswered questions. It was ambiguous and anti climactic and I expected more from an award winning author who has sold more than 19 million books. Absolute Proof was a meandering novel with some interesting points about religion but the unresolved ending left me underwhelmed and unlikely to seek out any of his other novels.

My rating = **

Carpe Librum!

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  1. You might like it though Theresa, it just wasn't for me is all.

  2. I really liked this one Tracey but I can see how it's not for everyone. I liked the focus on the different ways people use religion.

  3. Thanks Veronica, I'm glad to hear you really liked it. I find that topic interesting too, but much better handled/explored by other authors. That's just my opinion though :-)

    1. Number one bestseller? I seriously doubt that.

    2. Hi Anon, a quick search tells me this author has a total of 16 Sunday Times No. 1s to his name, so I think that qualifies as a number one bestselling author but it's okay to disagree. Thanks for visiting.


Thanks for your comment, Carpe Librum!