14 November 2016

Personal mention in The Troubles Keeper by Susan May

You all know I love to read and review books here on Carpe Librum. What you might not know is that I have my own business and proofreading and editing is a big part of it.

So when Aussie author Susan May asked me to read and review her latest novel The Troubles Keeper and promised to include an excerpt of my review in the beginning of her book, how could I resist? 

Susan was once a book reviewer too so she just 'gets us' and promising to mention each reviewer in her book was a brilliant and irresistible incentive. I've never seen it done before, but judging by how successful it's been for Susan, I can imagine other authors employing the same approach in the future.

The image below is an excerpt from her Acknowledgements section in The Troubles Keeper and you can see my good self mentioned there.

Susan also asked reviewers to point out any typos they found along the way and has generously thanked each proofreader by name at the end of The Troubles Keeper.

As a bibliophile and lover of books, it's such a thrill to be mentioned and thanked in a book. Thanks so much to Susan May for being so generous with her reviewers and understanding what makes us bloggers tick.

Carpe Librum!

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