09 February 2016

Review: I'll Go Home Then; It's Warm and Has Chairs - The Unpublished Emails by David Thorne

I'm a huge fan of David Thorne's caustic humour and writing style and his work always (without fail) makes me laugh out loud. His first book The Internet is a Playground was a 5 star read for me in 2013, and this one, I'll Go Home Then, It's Warm and Has Chairs - The Unpublished Emails is just as funny.

There's plenty of email trails to delve into, photoshopped pictures to enjoy and a treasure trove of stories, anecdotes and letters to laugh about. Again, I couldn't help myself and had to read one of the stories out loud, and keep wanting to use some of his best one liners in conversation.

David Thorne's sense of humour is full of satire and wit, and he captures the office work environment so well it makes me chuckle just thinking about it. His comments about the team building weekend are still making me laugh and his diagrams really bring his scenarios to life in a way you can't possibly imagine until you see his work.

If you've never read any of his stuff before, you can read some it for free on his website, or grab any one of his books. You won't be sorry, instead you'll be laughing and looking for someone to share it with post-haste.

I've already been recommending this one to friends and family, and that says it all really.

My rating = *****

Carpe Librum!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Not familiar with him but I'll go check out his website, can always do with a laugh

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. Let me know if you love his stuff, I'm a huge fan, but acknowledge it's not for everyone.


Thanks for your comment, Carpe Librum!