I enjoyed the 'trial' and there were some enjoyable moments during the Defence. Without giving too much away regarding the outcome, I was in a state of anticipation every time Salander was featured, waiting for some unexpected excitement or shocking revelation, but was largely disappointed.
The reader certainly gained 'closure' by the end of the book though, and all lines of interest were neatly tied up by the last page. I could have done without the career divergence of Berger throughout the book, which was largely unimportant and irrelevant in my opinion.
After reading the first two books in the series, this book is a must, if nothing else but for the closure, but it certainly isn't a book to 'rave' about. You have my permission to shuffle it further down the TBR pile for now, or better still, borrow it from a friend when the popularity of the series is long since forgotten.
My rating = ***
Carpe Librum!
Carpe Librum!