The Cemetary of Forgotten Books made another appearance and the writing and plot style were extremely similar to the first. The plot featured a dilapidated old mansion, broken hearts, broken dreams, mysterious characters, hardship and books.
There was a strong religious theme throughout the novel, and I don't believe the author really quite explained the purpose of the story line within this area of the book to the full satisfaction of the reader. Was the mysterious publisher Andreas Corelli a vampire or the devil or just your weird run of the mill immortal being? I never handle ambiguity well, so this was frustrating.
A very enjoyable read, however my hopes were so high after reading The Shadow of the Wind that I almost held my breath hoping this would come close to the same absorbing quality. I was impressed and felt blessed to be able to gain access again to the gothic setting and of course the Cemetary of Forgotten Books.
My rating = ****
Carpe Librum!