When I unwrapped Stephen King's Lisey's Story at Christmas, I couldn't wait to get started on the 560 page novel. Believe it or not, after 100 pages I was ready to put it back on the shelf. The beginning was dull and boring and the writing style was completely different to any other King book I've read. In addition to that, the main character's use of the word 'smucking' instead of 'fucking' was driving me crazy!
The only reason I persevered was because it was Stephen King, and in the end I wasn't disappointed. A crime plot eventually emerged which was mildly interesting, however when the 'supernatual theme' surfaced I was hooked, and stayed up until 3.00am in the morning ploughing through the pages.
The beginning and ending are slow, but the body of the novel is an absolutely thrilling read!
My rating = ***
Carpe Librum!