27 December 2006

Review: Forever Odd by Dean Koontz

After reading the first book of this series in July entitled Odd Thomas, I finally got around to reading the second book in the series: Forever Odd. Not as good as the first, I still enjoyed following Odd Thomas on his second documented crime busting adventure. The main character Datura was not nearly as frightening as the miles of underground tunnels Odd spent most of the story in.

At the end of this book, Odd Thomas is leaving his small home town of Pico Mundo to go and live in a monastery. Hopefully this will provide a different adventure altogether - I can't wait to read the third book!

Rating = ***

Carpe Librum!
21 December 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

Wishing all my faithful readers and random visitors (I know you're out there) a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

That's my four bucks!
21 December 2006

Review: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield book coverI finished reading The Thirteenth Tale last week, and what a page turner!!! I'd seen this book on the shelves at least 12 months before I bought it, and was initially attracted by the cover. I know what you're thinking, but I always judge a book by it's cover, and in this case, the cover is of book spines... I know, the perfect lure for a book lover, and ultimately, it met its mark.

So what's it all about? Vida Winter is a successful author and she is dying. She decides to tell her life story, although she has done so on countless occasions, and each time she gives a different story! This time however, she is going to reveal the dark truth about her past. The story centres around twin girls, and reminded me a little of Flowers In The Attic, 2006 style.

I absolutely loved this book, despite reading several 'dull' reviews earlier in the year. I was definitely hooked and got through it in no time.

I am going to recommend it to my sister next.

My rating = *****

Carpe Librum!
05 December 2006

Review: Satan In St Mary's by Paul Doherty, P.C. Doherty

Satan In St Mary's by Paul Doherty book coverAfter reading Paul Doherty's recent novel The Cup of Ghosts I was extremely eager to read his first medieval mystery featuring Hugh Corbett. The plot wasn't as exciting as The Cup of Ghosts, the incidental descriptions of medieval life kept the pages turning at a rapid rate. I love this genre, and it's enough to keep me wanting to read the remaining 13 novels in this series.

I'm looking forward to seeing how his style of storytelling develops over the ensuing novels. Hopefully one or two will find their way under the Christmas tree for me...

My rating = ***

Carpe Librum!