21 September 2006

When to put a book aside

The last time I put a book down without ever intending to finish it was about 10 years ago, and the book was Moby Dick. In fact, there were several books in that era (University) that I didn't have the time or the will to finish.

Since then however, I always finish every book I start. This is probably why it took me two years to read Crime and Punishment, and one year to get through Anna Karenina. They were classics, sure, but just soooo boring.

So, imagine my dilemma, 361 pages into Grand Days by Frank Moorhouse when I realised that the book was boring, and just a waste of time? Sure, I could keep reading, but there is a stack of books waiting for me on my shelf, and another 330 pages of this book and probably another 600 pages in the sequel Dark Palace!!!

Well, I decided to take the advice from Sara Nelson and recognise when to put a book away for good. It's not like anyone cares if I finish it or not, and it's certainly not a crime.

Having made the decision, I feel quite relieved, almost as if the weight of 900 pages have been lifted from my shoulders! Quitting a book is okay!

That's my four bucks!

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