21 March 2025

Review: The Good Wife of Bath by Karen Brooks

The Good Wife of Bath - A (Mostly) True Story by Karen Brooks book cover

The Good Wife of Bath - A (Mostly) True Story by Karen Brooks is inspired by The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, but the only thing you need to know about Chaucer's classic written in the late 1300s is that it contains 24 stories told by pilgrims and that The Wife of Bath was one of them.

I read The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer before I started writing reviews here which makes it at least 20 years ago. It felt like quite the accomplishment at the time and I remember enjoying it a whole lot more than I thought I would. Chaucer's The Wife of Bath is the story of a woman named Eleanor who has been married five times and Australian author Karen Brooks brings her to life in this historical fiction re-telling.

It's1364 and at the age of 12 years old Eleanor is married off to a sheep farmer against her will. I immediately admired Eleanor's young spirit and her attempt to embody her Papa's advice, even at such a young age:
"You have to create opportunities where you can. No matter what life hurls at you, child, catch it. If it's shit, turn it into fertiliser. If it's insults, throw them back. Grip opportunity with both hands and ride it like a wild colt until you've tamed it. You've come from nothing, and unless you make something of yourself with what you're offered, it's to nothing you'll return." Page 22
This advice is applicable to every reader and definitely forms the key to Eleanor's character which serves her well in life.

At 541 pages in length, The Good Wife of Bath is a long novel but it's broken down into each of the five marriages and each time Eleanor marries her life changes significantly; sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.

As her circumstances were improving, I was just as giddy with possibility and optimism as Eleanor and equally frustrated and downcast when the wheel of fortune turned. Eleanor takes several pilgrimages and is a flawed character trying to learn from her - many - mistakes while protecting the people she cares about. There's much character growth and some moments that made me stop to contemplate, like this one I hadn't heard before:
"What's good for gander is not for goose to ponder." Page 232
Eleanor is very distantly related - by marriage - to Geoffrey Chaucer and calls him cousin. As a supporting character he pops up from time to time and as he catches up with Eleanor or they exchange letters, we hear about his career highlights and writing projects.

About halfway through the novel, we learn Chaucer has been writing several stories:
"I have. I'm using the idea of a pilgrimage to tie the tales together.' I slapped my thigh in delight. 'I've been on many of those!' 'Aye, and your letters have been most entertaining. Inspirational too. 'Twas you who gave me that idea as well. As you've so often noted, a pilgrimage brings together all manner of people in a shared adventure.'" Page 323
Those who know The Canterbury Tales well will enjoy the flashes of recognition and various easter eggs along the way, but those who aren't familiar with the classic or can't remember it won't experience an absence of understanding or enjoyment; Brooks cleverly includes all readers.

The Good Wife of Bath by Karen Brooks is extremely well researched and the author brings the middle ages to life in a vivid and engaging writing style. While it was a long novel, I would have happily spent more time with Eleanor if I could have.

I thoroughly recommend The Good Wife of Bath by Karen Brooks for historical fiction lovers and it's definitely a solid contender for My Top 5 Books of 2025. Thanks to my friend Andrea for the copy!

My Rating:

17 March 2025

Review: Unnatural Causes by Dr Richard Shepherd

Unnatural Causes by Richard Shepherd audiobook cover

Dr Richard Shepherd is a Forensic Pathologist in the UK and has performed over 23,000 post mortems. In his memoir, Unnatural Causes - The Life and Many Deaths of Britain's Top Forensic Pathologist he shares highlights from his early career until the time of publication in 2018.

Listening to the author narrate this memoir, his dedication and enthusiasm for the work definitely shines through. His early struggles to interact with the grieving loved ones of the deceased he looks after is also laid bare.

Shepherd worked on some well known cases but the one I was most surprised to read about was the Marchioness disaster.

In 1989, a party boat named the Marchioness was carrying 130 people along the Thames River in London when it collided with another vessel and a total of 51 people died. Identification of the remains at the time came down to fingerprints and dental records, however the bloating of some of the bodies that had taken longer to retrieve led officials to make one of the most horrific decisions in forensic pathology I've ever heard. Specialist equipment that could obtain fingerprints from waterlogged remains was available elsewhere in the country, but the logistics required to transport that many bodies at the time was prohibitive, so a decision was made to remove the hands of the deceased for testing. This was carried out without family approval and even typing these words I'm horrified this took place. However, it MIGHT have been deemed acceptable if those responsible for the process didn't make a complete mess of it. Bodies were given to the families without hands and some families were told they couldn't view the remains of their loved ones by undertakers causing untold additional grief and trauma.

Shepherd is clear that he wasn't responsible for making the decision to remove the hands and had no knowledge of the decision at the time. Understandably this element of the disaster still haunts him and the subsequent hearings and court cases ran for years. I remember reading about the case years ago and being utterly dumbstruck by the incompetence and lack of professionalism shown at the time. Reading Shepherd's involvement in the case, I couldn't help wondering if this memoir was a way for him to 'set the story straight' once and for all on this case and clear his name.

Several other cases the author chose to include were controversial and again I began to speculate that this might be the only avenue for a professional in his field to get his version on the record for the wider public; outside of legal testimony that is.

Some high profile cases - which will be recognised by UK readers - are included and the picture I began to see emerging is that Shepherd felt under valued and under utilised in some cases and unjustly criticised in others.

Interactions with his children and the slight overlap with his work made me uncomfortable and I wasn't surprised - and neither was he - when his marriage broke down. In fact, it reminded me quite a lot of the personal account of Peter Faulding in his memoir What Lies Beneath - My Life as a Forensic Search and Rescue Expert.

I deeply admire the work carried out by forensic pathologists, medical examiners, coroners and those who look after the dead and perhaps that's why I've read so many of their books.* While it's too soon for another just now, True Stories from the Morgue by John Merrick is on my TBR and likely to be the next one on the topic at some point in the future.

Unnatural Causes - The Life and Many Deaths of Britain's Top Forensic Pathologist by Dr Richard Shepherd is recommended for readers with an interest in forensic medicine.

* Other memoirs like this you may want to explore:
- All the Living and the Dead: A Personal Investigation Into the Death Trade by Hayley Campbell
- Personal Effects: What Recovering the Dead Teaches Me About Caring for the Living by Robert A. Jensen
- Curtains: Adventures of an Undertaker-in-Training by Tom Jokinen
- Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner by Judy Melinek MD & T.J. Mitchell

My Rating:

15 March 2025

Review: All That Impossible Space by Anna Morgan

All That Impossible Space by Anna Morgan book cover

All That Impossible Space by Anna Morgan is a young adult novel about Lara Laylor, a teenage girl in Year 10 at a school in Melbourne. It doesn't sound like the type of book I usually read does it? But when I tell you Lara's history teacher gives each of his students an unsolved mystery from history as part of an assignment and Lara chooses the Somerton Man, you can see the instant appeal.

The Somerton Man was an unidentified man found dead on a beach in Somerton Park near Glenelg, Adelaide in December 1948. He didn't have any ID and the labels on all of his clothing had been removed. His cause of death couldn't be determined, but he died propped up and reclining with his legs crossed which made him look like he was resting or sleeping with a cigarette in his hand. Police circulated a photo of the man's corpse in suit and tie in an effort to identify him but his remains were never claimed. A plaster death mask was also taken of his body from the shoulders up prior to burial to assist in identification. This cast still includes hairs from his body which have since been DNA tested.

Adding to the mystery, a tiny scrap of paper with the printed words 'Tamám Shud' (meaning it is finished or it is done) was found rolled up in his pocket. The scrap had been torn from the page of a book which was eventually handed into Police after being found on the front seat of a car. What are the chances? The book had a series of letters inscribed in the back which have never been decoded as well as a phone number. The phone number was traced back to a nurse who lived 400m from where the Somerton Man's body was found but denied knowing him.

In the novel, Lara researches the mystery of the Somerton Man and considers the theories he was a European immigrant or a spy. Lara is ultimately glad the nurse chose to keep any knowledge she had to herself but I was yelling at the page while enjoying the reports and testimonials about the case interspersed throughout her first person narrative.

Naturally, the assignment takes a back seat as Lara negotiates problems in her social life, auditions for the school musical, deals with the absence of her older sister and looks into the mystery disappearance of her history teacher.

All That Impossible Space by Anna Morgan is a young adult epistolary coming of age novel but I'll admit being mostly there for the connection to the Somerton Man. Who do you think he was? I think he was a spy and knew the nurse.

My Rating:

12 March 2025

Review: Traced by Catherine Jinks

Traced by Catherine Jinks book cover

* Courtesy of Text Publishing *

Traced by Catherine Jinks is possibly the first novel I've read set in Australia during the early stages of the pandemic. It's 2020 and Jane is a contact tracer working for New South Wales Health, and during the course of her daily tracing calls she speaks to a victim of domestic violence named Nicole. Years earlier, Jane helped her own daughter escape a violent situation and recognises Nicole's fear of discovery by her abusive partner. Jane and her daughter Tara are still in hiding from her ex Griffin, but Jane's shocked to find the person on the phone is also afraid of a man named Griffin.

The story unravels from there as Jane attempts to help Nicole into a refuge while keeping her location secret from Griffin and trying not to break too many rules at work in the process.

Alternate chapters take us back to 2014 and Jane's life before Tara met Griffin. The reader slowly learns what went wrong in the relationship and how the two women escaped before returning to the present narrative and Griffin's renewed interest in tracking them down.

Griffin is a real piece of work, he's manipulative, obsessive and controlling and this book could be a trigger for readers who have suffered at the hands of a gaslighting domestic abuser. As a character in this book he was a well-written villain and the perfect contrast to Jane's determination to protect her family at all costs.

The Australian setting was enjoyable and the references so Sydney and the surrounding areas were an unexpected pleasure, including this one:
"The only personal thing I knew about Michelle was that she lived in Kellyville and ate salads for lunch." Page 71
I have family living in Kellyville so that was a nice surprise on the page. Both narrative arcs - 2014 and 2020 - are packed with tension to make the reader squirm and boy did I fidget and clench my fists at the scenarios Jane was dealing with in both timelines.

The action really ramped up at the end towards a satisfying climax and I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Traced is recommended for those who enjoy domestic thrillers and is the third* book I've read from Catherine Jinks so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for her next thriller.

* Panic (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) is a psychological thriller set in the world of sovereign citizens and an excerpt from my review is featured on the publisher's website, while The Attack (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) is a dual timeline domestic noir novel.

My Rating:

04 March 2025

Review: The Body Next Door by Zane Lovitt

The Body Next Door by Zane Lovitt book cover

* Copy courtesy of Text Publishing *

The Body Next Door by Zane Lovitt is a suburban whodunnit set in the Melbourne suburb of St Albans. Recently separated, Jamie is in his mid thirties and has moved back to Carnation Way to look after his Dad who has dementia.

Claire is a middle aged woman also living on Carnation Way and when she goes missing, Jamie wonders if her disappearance could be connected to the discovery of a body next door thirteen years ago.

Unfolding in alternating chapters - Jamie's in the present and Claire's thirteen years earlier - the characters were immediately identifiable and the novel contains many enjoyable Australian references. I liked this one from Claire because who doesn't love fresh stationery?
"... and so it was off to Officeworks the very next day. I already had pens and notebooks, but is there anything better than fresh stationery?" Page 15
No there isn't and I was just at Officeworks on the weekend! Back to the book and Lovitt has a great sense of humour that reminded me a little of Benjamin Stevenson's light and relatable writing style. Here, the author is able to strike a surprise sombre note with mention of the late Michael Mosley and then make the reader chuckle immediately afterwards:
"I had a ready line for that, one I'd planned to use with Andrew if I ever did anything clumsy in front of him. I told her that Michael Mosley says balance is an excellent indication of life expectancy, and I said, if that's true, I've been dead for four years." Page 160
As you can see, Claire is a likeable character with a great sense of humour. She's also curious about her surroundings and started a diary the day the body of a teenage male was found underneath the house of one of her neighbours.

Thirteen years later, Claire goes missing and Jamie is determined to find out what happened to her by nosing about, chatting to the neighbours and unearthing all manner of secrets; including some about his Dad. Jamie is also a very likeable character:
"By the time I'd finished my second cup of tea, during which I'd had nothing to do but listen and stress-eat as Tess related her story in detail, we'd made it through a whole pack of Tim Tams and half an Arnott's Tina wafers, though in truth, 'we' implies a degree of participation by Tess not reflected in reality." Page 298
Longer term followers of Carpe Librum may have noticed that Zane Lovitt has been featured here before. In 2016 I ran a giveaway for his collection of short stories entitled Crime Scenes and he's clearly been working hard since then.

Published today, The Body Next Door by Zane Lovitt is a double cozy mystery and Aussie whodunnit that plays out in a very entertaining way and is highly recommended for fans of Benjamin Stevenson and the lighter side of Jack Heath.

My Rating:

01 March 2025

Review: Bored of Lunch Healthy Slow Cooker Even Easier by Nathan Anthony

Bored of Lunch Healthy Slow Cooker Even Easier by Nathan Anthony book cover

I use my slow cooker all year around and recently came across Bored of Lunch Healthy Slow Cooker Even Easier by Nathan Anthony at the library. Written by a Northern Irish home cook, the book contains 'recipes with minimal prep, all under 500 calories' and I was keen to give one of them a go.

First up was the Chorizo Carbonara Orzo from Page 166 based on the mouthwatering photograph in the book. After learning orzo is called risoni here in Australia, this meal was a disaster. It took 2 hours longer to cook than the recipe mentioned so we had to have something else for dinner that night while we waited for the chicken stock to be absorbed. When it was finally finished cooking, the taste and texture wasn't very nice at all so we won't be making that one again, ever. The left over risoni went into the bin too.

Next up was the Pork with Creamy Apple Sauce from Page 176 which was a real hit. I haven't cooked pork tenderloins before and sitting in the slow cooker among the diced apple they looked like gross tongues. It was also our first time using creme fraiche in a recipe but it was lean and tender and a hit with the husband so I think it'll be on the menu again.

All in all, one hit and one definite miss before it was time for this little hardback to go back to the library. Nathan Anthony's latest book, Bored of Lunch Six Ingredient Slow Cooker sounds like it might be worth checking out at some point. Published in December 2024 it's not available at my local library yet but I'll keep an eye out.

What are you having for dinner tonight?

My Rating:

23 February 2025

Review: All Buttons Great and Small by Lucy Godoroja

All Buttons Great and Small by Lucy Godoroja book cover

All Buttons Great and Small - A Compelling History of the Button, From the Stone Age to Today by Lucy Godoroja was a dry yet interesting read. The Australian author owns her own button shop in Newtown, Sydney and her shop is called All Buttons Great and Small, inspiring the name of this book.

I'd love to visit her button shop one day, but Godoroja is clear from the start that she's not a collector:
"I am not a collector of buttons. I have always, however, been enthralled by them, and over the past 35 years millions of buttons have passed through my hands." Page 1
Over the course of the book, I began to appreciate the author's interests seem to reside in the creation and design of buttons and their materials across time and cultures. However, I did learn some interesting button facts along the way.

Buttons were worn as an adornment, but I didn't know they once served as a portable means of value for the wearer, as it enabled a person to carry their investment with them in the case of an emergency.

Venetian glassmaking is internationally renowned, but I didn't know the establishment of Murano was an inspired government decision:
"With the burgeoning trade in Venice, in 1291 the government of the day made the decision to relocate the glass industry to the island of Murano, for fear of fires from the furnaces breaking out and spreading to the city centre, but particularly, with the added benefit of being able to shield industrial secrets from prying eyes." Page 66
Buttons could be an expression of wealth and King Louis XIV of France shockingly spent more than $5M on buttons during his reign and once commissioned a set of at least 100 diamond buttons. 

I learned that during the 1790s, the Parramatta Justice Precinct was home to the second convict hospital and evidence has been found of colonial bone button manufacturing on this site. It's assumed the many sew-through buttons discovered by archaeologists were made by hand by the convicts recuperating in the hospital or living in the huts on site.

I learned the difference between pottery and porcelain:
"Clay is the basic material of all types of pottery, but while porcelain is a type of pottery, not all pottery is porcelain. True porcelain is known as 'hard paste' as it requires hard firing at very high temperatures, after which it becomes extraordinarily dense." Page 104
More interesting though was reading the brief section about koumpounophobia, the fear of buttons. Steve Jobs openly admitted suffering from this phobia, hence his preference for wearing skivvies or polo necked tops rather than shirts.

Those few highlights aside, there was way too much information provided on scientific developments and inventions of particular materials used to produce buttons for my liking. I didn't find it interesting at all to read about the evolution of various button making materials, and the chapter entitled The Plastics Evolution - comprising the invention and use of shellac, rubber, semi-synthetics, synthetics, bakelite, amino plastics, acrylic, plexiglass, perspex, lucite, acrylite - nearly sent me to sleep.

Borrowed from the library, button lovers and crafters won't find any button inspired artwork here. There's no chapter about button collections around the world - or within Australia - or research around the discovery and value of rare and precious buttons. High-end fashion designers and their use of buttons was included, but this wasn't of interest to me. There were some stunning colour photographs of buttons throughout this beautifully produced hardback, but ironically the captions didn't contain enough detail. There is an impressive bibliography and index, but no button trading or shopping references in the index or websites to visit.

All Buttons Great and Small - A Compelling History of the Button, From the Stone Age to Today by Lucy Godoroja is an academic button book for serious collectors, sellers or historians interested in the materials used to make buttons from ivory, wood and tortoiseshell right through to metals, alloys and plastics. I have a moderate interest in buttons but unfortunately it didn't extend this far.

My Rating:

19 February 2025

Review: Difficult People by Rebecca Ray

Difficult People by Rebecca Ray book cover

Living on the Sunshine Coast of Australia, Dr Rebecca Ray is a clinical psychologist and author of several books, including her latest published in 2023, Difficult People - Dealing with the Bad Behaviour of Difficult People.

Dr Ray outlines various difficult people and helpfully provides examples of what their behaviour might look like and the form it can take in real life. When providing advice around the setting of boundaries for particular personality types and situations, the author also gives several examples and suggestions of dialogue the reader can try in those situations.

What would have elevated the book for me would have been dialogue examples for the mildly concerning situations as well as the highly intense and potentially dangerous scenarios. Taking it one step further, if the author had presented them with an escalation in her tone to reflect the appropriate seriousness, I believe this would have provided a deeper and much needed resource for readers. Put simply, some of the suggestions were too nice and a sedate approach doesn't work for all recipients.

Choosing to narrate the audiobook herself was an inspired choice and the occasional laugh and self acknowledgement was a relatable touch. I could almost imagine myself on Dr Ray's consulting couch or therapy lounge as she spoke in general terms about psychological safety and how best to preserve it.

Dr Ray readily acknowledged the reader may have come across this particular book because they themselves are a difficult person, and in doing so, managed to make everyone feel welcome and seen without judgement.

Having read more than 50 self help books about personality types, relationships, communication and psychology over the years, this book wasn't able to offer me anything new on the topic, however I did enjoy the Australian perspective and the refresher on boundaries didn't hurt.

Difficult People - Dealing with the Bad Behaviour of Difficult People by Dr Rebecca Ray is best suited for readers new to self help books and the topics of communication, managing relationships and conflict.

My Rating:

16 February 2025

Review: RecipeTin Eats Tonight by Nagi Maehashi

RecipeTin Eats Tonight by Nagi Maehashi book cover

I read RecipeTin Eats Dinner by Nagi Maehashi in October 2023 and gave it 3 stars but didn't review it at the time as there wasn't much to say. However, we were fortunate to receive her latest offering RecipeTin Eats Tonight - Dinners for every night of the week from Australia’s favourite cook for Christmas 2024 and thought I'd leave a review by way of thanks.

Nagi Maehashi left her job working as a chartered accountant to pursue her love of cooking. She's now an internationally successful Australian food blogger and her website receives more than 500 million page views per year. In 2023, RecipeTin Eats Dinner was the fastest-selling cookbook in Australian publishing history. Following its success, the author turned down several offers to make TV shows and endorse products in favour of doing what she loves most, cooking and writing recipes.

RecipeTin Eats Tonight contains 150 of these brand new recipes and a variety of variations for which I was grateful, as you won't catch me cooking tofu or any of the seafood recipes.

The first recipe we trialled from the book was Baked Satay Chicken from page 84, and it was delicious, although a little spicy. A few of the ingredients were new to me but I'm keen to make it again. Next up was the Creamy, Cheesy Spaghetti from page 120 and this required a basic skill level more familiar in our household. This was very tasty and I'm keen to try it again but note to self, doubling the sauce wasn't required.

After reading this book, we now have red curry paste and curry powder in our pantry and I'm looking forward to trying the Sticky Pantry Chicken from Page 122.

RecipeTin Eats Tonight is recommended for home cooks and those looking for recipes that are flexible and contain proteins that are easily substituted or interchangeable.

My Rating:

13 February 2025

Review: Dunstan by Conn Iggulden

Dunstan by Conn Iggulden book cover

Set in the year 934, Dunstan by Conn Iggulden is the story of a young boy raised to become a Benedictine monk, but who went on to become an Abbot, Bishop and Archbishop and reform the English Church.

Dunstan was canonised after his death and became England's favourite saint for almost 200 years, but according to this reimagining of his life, in addition to defeating the devil, he was also a liar, murderer and maker of Kings.

Despite being set over a thousand years ago, Dunstan's first person perspective cut through the years like a knife and it wasn't what I was expecting at all. We begin at the end of Dunstan's life with a Prologue:
"Perhaps I will consign these precious sheets to the fire. No one will disturb me now; I have earned that much. These hands that hold the quill are just bones and paper-skin, so like vellum themselves as they whisper against each other. Brother Talbot once said they were a workman's fists, all scarred and thick. Well, time served him well, didn't it, with his delicate scribe fingers? I have trod down the soil over his dead face with my bare heels, and only the moon as witness." Page 2
Right from the beginning Dunstan hints that he might be a murderer, yet this didn't deter my interest in his story at all. Dunstan's upbringing alongside his younger brother in the abbey at Glastonbury was brutal and I was caught up in the drama between the boys and Dunstan's creativity in the struggle for dominance and power.

Dunstan performs exceptionally well at his studies, takes an interest in architecture, blacksmithing and medicine and seems to excel in every area he applies himself too. He's also unashamedly ambitious, and weaponises his religion to further his own prospects.
"I have worked my whole life, from six years old when I first piled bricks for workmen on my father's land, in exchange for crusts of bread and a draught of cider. I have prayed and I have dropped my sweat onto the forge. I have made swords and I have used them. I have made a cask or two of wine in my time, taking grapes from different vines. I have pissed in a bottle once or twice as well, when I did not like a man - and I have watched him smack his lips and tell me it was so smooth and extraordinarily fine that I was half tempted to try my own vintage. I have loved a woman and she ruined me. I have loved a king and yet I ruined him. And all I have gained in return for my lifetime of labour is fame and power and servants and an abbey." Page 2
Dunstan's ambition takes him to the court of King Æthelstan, the first King of England, and throughout the course of his life he will be involved - to varying degrees - in the politics and conflicts of the newly emerging England.
"I have known seven kings in all. Three were brothers: Æthelstan, Edmund and Eadred. Two were sons of Edmund: rash Edwy and Edgar the Peaceful. The last were two sons of Edgar: Edward and Ethelred. I am an old man. It breaks my heart." Page 438
Iggulden does an exceptional job of ensuring the reader is able to keep track of these seven kings. Each character was unique and memorable in their own right and their relationships with Dunstan varied to an enormous degree; one of them even sent him into exile!
"I tried to form the words to tell him I forgave him, because I had no other way to take revenge and I wanted him to wince when he recalled me ever after. Vengeance is a fine thing, but forgiveness can be just as cruel." Page 7
The 14 page Historical Note at the end of the novel was a welcome addition and I spent time looking up the Glastonbury Tor and abbey as well as some of the battles and places mentioned in the book after reading.

My maiden name is Dunstan and I originally purchased this book back in 2017 for my Dad and he thoroughly enjoyed it. It's taken me much too long to finally read it myself, but I've been rewarded with an unforgettable character and a fascinating tale of talent, intellect, vengeance, duty, miracles, exile and ambition.

Highly recommended!

My Rating:

04 February 2025

Review: Starling House by Alix E. Harrow

Starling House by Alix E. Harrow book cover

Starling House by Alix E. Harrow is set in a small mining town in Eden, Kentucky where Opal lives in a motel room with her younger brother Jasper. Their parents are both dead and Opal struggles to make enough money for the basics while saving for Jasper's education.

Opal is tough and scrappy and resorts to petty crime to make ends meet.
"People like me have to make two lists: what they need and what they want. You keep the first list short, if you're smart, and you burn the second one. Mom never got the trick of it - she was always wanting and striving, longing and lusting and craving right up until she wasn't - but I'm a quick learner. I have one list, with one thing on it, and it keeps me plenty busy." Page 4
Eden is an unlucky town and has its own gothic mansion of the title, complete with imposing iron gates that fuel fears among the locals the property is haunted or cursed. Starling House is the home of a sole reclusive inhabitant by the name of Arthur who never leaves. Arthur's ancestor Eleanor Starling is the author of Opal's favourite childhood book The Underland which includes tales about mythical creatures from another world.

Opal is drawn to the mansion for reasons she can't explain and accepts a job there as a cleaner. Arthur seems aloof and resistant to company and I just loved this description of him:
"Arthur has a thick yellow pad of paper balanced on his knee. His left pinky is silvery gray with graphite, and his sleeves are rolled to the elbow. His wrists look stronger than I would expect from someone whose main hobbies are skulking and frowning, the bones wrapped in stringy muscle and scarred flesh." Page 55
Starling House is a Southern gothic story about home and running away and is part fantasy, part romance with a dash of spooky paranormal. It's certainly different to my usual reading fare and felt like it was best suited to a young adult audience. The writing was engaging but while some readers might find the inclusion of footnotes in a fictional story quirky, I found them unnecessary and distracting.

The house of the title was a character in its own right, and in particular its ability to communicate feelings about its inhabitants which I loved. Completely run down and neglected when Opal arrives, I particularly enjoyed all of the scenes where she was cleaning room by room, bleaching curtains, removing dead insects and animals and cleaning the walls to bring the house back into shape.

Opal even makes mention of the cliche cleaning montage in the book:
"In the movie version of my life the scene would collapse here into a cleaning montage. You would see me rolling up my sleeves and hauling wet laundry out of the washer, dragging the motel cleaning cart across the parking lot, discovering half a granola bar stuck to the carpet and shoving it furtively in a trash bag. The soundtrack would turn peppy, indicating the heroine's renewed resolve. But reality never skips the boring parts, and I'm not sure I have renewed resolve so much as a real stubborn streak, just like Mom. Survival is a hard habit to break." Page 176
I thoroughly enjoyed The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow in 2023 and am looking forward to the publication of The Everlasting later this year.

My Rating:

29 January 2025

Review: The Unclaimed by Pamela Prickett & Stefan Timmermans

The Unclaimed by Pamela Prickett & Stefan Timmermans audiobook cover

According to The Unclaimed - Abandonment and Hope in the City of Angels by Pamela Prickett and Stefan Timmermans, up to 150,000 Americans die and are unclaimed each year. Being unclaimed means the remains of the deceased were not claimed by family or friends, and were buried, cremated or laid to rest by local government despite attempts made to contact loved ones.

Prickett is an Associate Professor of Sociology and former broadcast journalist and Timmermans is a Professor of Sociology at UCLA, and in this book they attempt to make us care about these numbers by providing detailed accounts of four people who died and were unclaimed. The upbringing, family situation and lifestyle in the lead up to these four deaths were discussed in such detail that I soon began to lose interest. Perhaps that's the point.

Loneliness, isolation and estrangement were leading factors but also unsurprisingly was the amount of red tape surrounding death notifications, government assistance and the rules around responsibility for the dead. Some of the unclaimed had family members who refused to be involved or claim their loved one's remains due to the enforced requirement to engage a funeral home. In other cases, friends or acquaintances who tried to claim remains were turned away in favour of family members who couldn't be traced.

Far more interesting - and less frustrating - were the sections featuring the investigators, notification officers and crematorium workers involved in taking care of the unclaimed dead. It was inspiring to read about the charities and individuals who began looking after unclaimed veterans or the remains of unclaimed babies. Their empathy seemed to have no bounds and they're an inspiration to us all, but frankly it shouldn't have to come down to the generosity and goodwill of strangers.

Listening to The Unclaimed audiobook narrated by Nan McNamara, I was prepared to experience feelings of despair, however the 'hope' mentioned in the subtitle allowed me to be optimistic for the future. Surely the book would report or predict a turnaround in the numbers of people being unclaimed after death or a change in legislation or a comprehensive overhaul of government departments to streamline the process. Sadly I didn't finish the book with anything like hope for the future, and was left instead with a renewed disappointment in humanity.

My Rating:

26 January 2025

Praise Featured in The End and Everything Before It by Finegan Kruckemeyer

Praise Featured in The End and Everything Before It by Finegan Kruckemeyer

I'm so excited to share the news that an excerpt from my review of The End and Everything Before It by Finegan Kruckemeyer has been published in the praise section of the book!

This debut novel has been so successful it's now onto its second reprinting by Text Publishing and to see the quote from yours truly featured in the praise section was a real thrill.

For those who can't zoom in, the quote reads:
"Sublime...I found myself wanting to read it again before I'd even finished...An uplifting allegory rich in meaning...Unforgettable." Carpe Librum
You might remember The End and Everything Before It made My Top 5 Books of 2024 list, but seeing Carpe Librum in the praise section of another book was definitely a bookish highlight of 2024!

What will 2025 bring? Stick with me and we'll find out!

Carpe Librum!

24 January 2025

Review: The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory

The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory book cover

It's been years since I read an ebook and The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory has been on my Kindle App since 2016. This year I'm planning to read some bigger books from my backlist and coming in at 530 pages and waiting nine years, it was definitely time to read The Boleyn Inheritance.

Set in England during the reign of King Henry VIII, we're given first person narratives from Jane Boleyn (Lady Rochford, wife of George Boleyn and sister-in-law to Anne Boleyn), Anne of Cleves and Katherine Howard.

Beginning in 1539, we meet Anne when she's the Duchess of Cleves. She's keen to escape her domineering brother and make the biggest match possible to become Queen of England. I really enjoyed this different perspective on Anne's life, her mindset and the way in which she navigated the challenges of coming to a land without knowing the language. Navigating the tricky court of Henry VIII was a real culture shock:
"Clearly, I will never be alone again for another moment in all my life." Page 59 Anne, Calais, December 1539
Anne's first meeting with the King was a disaster - as we know - but I enjoyed Gregory's interpretation of the events which have since become legendary.

Meanwhile, Jane Boleyn has been away from court following the execution of her husband and sister-in-law for treason in 1536. Jane is ambitious and a social climber, as becomes clear early on in the book:
"Once again I shall be at court. Once again I shall be the closest friend of the queen, a constant companion in her chamber. I shall see everything, know everything. I shall be at the very centre of life again, I shall be the new Queen Anne's lady in waiting, serving her as loyally and well as I have served the other three of King Henry's queens. If he can rise up and marry again without fear of ghosts, then so can I." Page 15, Jane Boleyn, Blickling Hall, Norfolk November 1539
Jane struggles with her role in the demise of her husband and sister-in-law and again the author offers a refreshing perspective on her motives. Jane strives to be Anne's confidant, all the while recognising the precarious nature of her union with the King:
"She will have to learn to obey him. Not in the grand things, any woman can put on a bit of a show. But in the thousand petty compromises that come to a wife every day. The thousand times a day when one has to bite the lip and bow the head and not argue in public, nor in private, nor even in the quiet recesses of one's own mind. If your husband is a king, this is even more important. If your husband is King Henry, it is a life or death decision." Page 124 Jane Boleyn, Greenwich Palace, 6 January 1540
Serving Anne of Cleves in court is Katherine Howard who is portrayed as a young, foolish, sexually active and extremely flirtatious young lady. Anne had been the subject of unkind gossip from the court when young Kitty Howard came to her defence:
"I was so grateful to her for that. She is a foolish, frivolous little thing but she has the cleverness of a stupid girl, since, like any stupid girl, she only thinks about one thing, and so she has become very expert in that." Page 189 Anne, Hampton Court, March 1540
Despite the age gap, Katherine is encouraged to flirt with King Henry and is naive about what might follow. Seeking the King's favour and her time in the limelight, she convinces herself:
"The other wives did as they had to do, their lives ended as God and the king willed; it is really nothing to me. Even my cousin Anne Boleyn shall be nothing to me. I shall not think of her, nor of our uncle pushing her on to the throne and then pushing her on to the scaffold." Page 257 Katherine, Norfolk House, Lambeth, June 1540
Meanwhile, King Henry takes his time setting aside Anne of Cleves and making her his sister in order to annul their loveless marriage. At the age of twenty-five, Anne is frustrated that she's done nothing wrong, yet by agreeing to the terms and saving her neck, the cost of staying alive is great:
"I will have to face a single life, without lover, or husband, or companion. I will have to face a lonely life, without family. I will never have a child of my own, I will never have a son to come after me, I will never have my own daughter to love. I will have to be a nun without a convent, a widow with no memories, a wife of six months and a virgin. I will have to face life in exile. I will never see Cleves again. I will never see my mother again." Page 288 Anne, Richmond Palace, 12 July 1540
Despite knowing the history and seeing it portrayed in multiple documentaries, drama series, movies and historical fiction novels over the years, Philippa Gregory managed to make me care for all three characters. The novel takes us right up to the point of Katherine's and Jane's deaths at the Tower of London in February 1542, with a jump in time of five years to 1547 and the death of King Henry, setting Anne free from his reach at last.

This book is part of 'The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels' series, previously known as the 'Cousins War' and 'Tudor Court' series and each of the books can be read as a stand alone.

Here are all the books in the series in order, with reviews linked:

The Lady of the Rivers (Book 1) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The White Queen (Book 2) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Red Queen (Book 3) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Kingmaker's Daughter (Book 4) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The White Princess (Book 5) on my TBR
The Constant Princess (Book 6)
The King's Curse (Book 7)
Three Sisters, Three Queens (Book 8) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Other Boleyn Girl (Book 9)
The Boleyn Inheritance (Book 10)
The Taming of the Queen (Book 11) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Queen's Fool (Book 12)
The Virgin's Lover (Book 13)
The Last Tudor (Book 14) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Other Queen (Book 15) ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Boleyn Inheritance is Book 10 and I can highly recommend it. The White Princess is next on my radar for the series and I've had a physical copy on my shelves since 2014. Have you read any of these?

My Rating:

20 January 2025

Review: An Immense World by Ed Yong

An Immense World - How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us by Ed Yong audiobook cover

In An Immense World - How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us, science writer Ed Yong takes the reader through a variety of species and their notable senses. These senses include: smell, taste, light, colour, pain, heat, contact, vibrations, sound, echoes and electric and magnetic fields.

Listening to the audiobook narrated by the author, interesting quirks of nature caught my attention along the way. One of those was the fact that the ears of owls are uniquely asymmetric. The left ear of an owl is higher than their right ear, enabling the bird to use the difference in timing and loudness to distinguish sounds in the vertical and horizontal.

When relating just how sensitive the sense of smell is in dogs, the author tells us:
"In past experiments they have been able to tell identical twins apart by smell. They can detect a single fingerprint that had been dabbed onto a microscope slide then left on a rooftop and exposed to the elements for a week. They could work out which direction a person had walked in after smelling just five footsteps. They have been trained to detect bombs, drugs, landmines, missing people, bodies, smuggled cash, truffles, invasive weeds, agricultural diseases, low blood sugar, bedbugs, oil pipeline leaks and tumours." Chapter 1 Leaking Sacks of Chemicals: Smells and Tastes
Insects can taste with their body parts and some have taste receptors on their wings enabling them to identify traces of food as they fly around.

In a chapter about bats and their ability to hunt prey with echo location, the author meets with a bunch of Lepidopterists at their lab. Entering the flight room of the bats, Yong can see a cloud of snow like substance hanging in the air that has come off the moths brought in for the bats to catch. If you've ever caught a moth or butterfly - or even cleaned up a dead one - you'll have noticed the powder or dust that comes off them after handling.

I was surprised to learn this substance is actually made up of tiny scales that serve an important function for moths and butterflies and apparently it's a common occupational hazard for Lepidopterists to become allergic to the scales due to overexposure.
"When not inflaming the airways of scientists, the scales protect the bodies of moths by absorbing the sound of a bats calls and muffling the resulting echoes. This acoustic armour is just one of several anti-bat defences." Chapter 9 A Silent World Shouts Back: Echoes
Very interesting. An Immense World - How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us by Ed Yong was a detailed and thorough look at the senses of multiple species in depth and I'll admit my attention started to wander. The frequent references to a creature's umwelt* during the audiobook's 14+ hours of listening time become repetitive and I wished the author had used an alternate phrase from time to time.

An Immense World is recommended for those interested in biology, science, chemistry, physics, nature and the environment.

* I'd never heard of the world 'umwelt' and had to look it up, but it means 'the world as it is experienced by a particular organism.'

My Rating:

14 January 2025

2025 Reading Challenge Sign Ups

It's a new year and a fresh start for annual reading challenges. I'm reducing my goal to 65 books this year so I can tackle some chunky and challenging books that have been on my TBR for ages. I'm also signing up for the following two reading challenges in 2025.

Non Fiction Reader Challenge 2025

Hosted by fellow Aussie book blogger Shelleyrae at Book'd Out, I'm signing up to complete the Nonfiction Nibbler level of the challenge. For this, I'll need to read and review 6 books from any 6 of the categories listed below.
Non Fiction Reader Challenge 2025 logo

1. History
2. Memoir/Biography
3. True Crime
4. Science
5. Health
6. Food
7. Travel
8. Garden
9. Myth, Legend and Folklore
10. Islands
11. How-To
12. Published in 2025

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2025

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2025 logo
Hosted by Marg at The Intrepid Reader, I'm signing up to complete the Medieval Reader level this year and will need to read and review 15 historical fiction books in order to successfully complete the challenge. I'm currently reading The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory so that'll be my first book for the challenge.

Are you participating in any reading challenges this year? Do you have any reading goals for 2025? I'd love to know and you can track my progress throughout the year over on the Challenges 2025 page.

13 January 2025

Review: Dark Serpent by Paul Doherty

Dark Serpent by Paul Doherty book cover

Dark Serpent by Paul Doherty is the 18th book in the historical mystery series featuring Sir Hugh Corbett, The Keeper of the Secret Seal. It's 1311 and Hugh Corbett is hired by King Edward II and his favourite Piers Gaveston to investigate the murder of Corbett's friend, Ralph Grandison. Ralph - who suffered from leprosy - was killed with a poisoned dagger that formed part of the Crown Jewels stolen years earlier and it appears an assassin is killing members of the now dissolved Knights Templar.

Then there's the matter of a rogue vessel named The Black Hogge preying on English merchant vessels that could be funded by a French duke or even the King of France himself. 

Series favourites Ranulf-atte-Newgate, Senior Clerk in the Chancery of the Green Wax and Chanson, Clerk of the Stables, assist Corbett in his investigations as they gather clues and eliminate suspects.

Here again Doherty confidently brings the medieval streets of London to life, as demonstrated when describing the scene of an execution. Two execution carts have arrived and the crowd is surging:
"Executioners, faces hidden behind devil masks, managed the high-sided carts. The four prisoners in each were made to stand so the accompanying mob could hurl both abuse and refuse at them. Shouts and curses dinned the air, followed by a hail of filth and slops. Bagpipes wailed. Drum beats echoed. Trumpets and hunting horns brayed their shrill, discordant blasts. Relatives of the condemned clung to the sides of the carts, shouting to their menfolk. Warlocks and wizards in dirty robes and funnel-shaped hats pushed rags through the slats of the carts to catch some of the prisoner's bloodied sweat, which they could later use in their midnight ceremonies. Quacks, conjurors and cunning men also tried to keep close; the leavings of men condemned to hang were said to contain certain healing properties." Page 53
This medieval mystery had me guessing the entire time and I could definitely relate to Ranulf's frustration as Corbett kept his observations to himself until the final satisfying reveal.

This is the longest series I've ever read and for that reason alone I feel compelled to continue. What's the longest series you've read? If you like the sound of a series, do you start with the latest release or go back to the beginning and read the first book? Often a series will get better over time as the author's writing ability improves, or sometimes the initial magic can be lost and instead, new instalments feel formulaic and stale.

The formula in this series remains the same, yet I still enjoy reading the latest instalment every now and again. However I'm now terribly behind in the series, with Devil's Wolf (Book 19), Death's Dark Valley (Book 20), Hymn to Murder (Book 21), Mother Midnight (Book 22), Realm of Darkness (Book 23 and Banners of Hell (Book 24) published a few months ago still to read.

I guess I'd better get a move on!

My Rating:

09 January 2025

My Top 5 Books of 2024

In 2024 I met my reading goal of 75 books with 15 books earning a 5 star rating. This was down from a total of 19 books in 2023 that earned 5 stars.

Covering a range of genres, three of the books featured in this Top 5 list were reviewed for a publisher, one was from my own backlist and another was borrowed from the library.

Turns out winter was my best reading season of the year with three of my selections falling within the month of July.

Here are my Top 5 Books of 2024 in the order I read them:

1. The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown

The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown book cover
This is a fantasy novel with time travel featuring a bookseller in New York by the name of Cassie. When a regular customer leaves her a book with an inscription inside, Cassie discovers it's a one of a kind with the ability to turn any door into a door to anywhere. It transpires that there are more books with differing powers actively being sought by eccentric collectors, nefarious actors and scary people who travel the world hunting the books for their own dark purposes.

The writing is rich and evocative and I loved learning about the other special books, the powers they held and the motives of those seeking them. The Book of Doors is an impressive debut with a stunning cover design.

2. The Summer I Robbed a Bank by David O'Doherty

The Summer I Robbed a Bank by David O'Doherty book cover
David O'Doherty is an Irish comedian and I listened to this middle grade novel for kids on audiobook so I could enjoy his distinctive accent and endearing storytelling style. 12 year old Rex is sent to stay with his Uncle Derm on remote Achill Island for the school holidays and was expecting to have a boring time, what with all of the sheep, but things didn't quite go to plan.

The author's sense of humour and imagination worked exceptionally well with his observations of people and relationships in a very appealing way, making The Summer I Robbed a Bank a funny, feel good read.

3. A Short Walk Through a Wide World by Douglas Westerbeke

A Short Walk Through a Wide World by Douglas Westerbeke book cover
It's 1885 in Paris and Aubry Tourvel is a precocious young girl of just nine years of age when she falls inexplicably ill. Suffering excruciating pain and bleeding from the nose and mouth, the only thing that soothes her seems to be movement. Forced to travel to keep her illness at bay from that point on, days and weeks pass but the reader experiences her travels in flashbacks when sharing her encounters with people she meets along the way.

A Short Walk Through a Wide World by Douglas Westerbeke could be categorised multiple ways, it's a travel story, historical fiction, action adventure, science fiction and urban fantasy. It contains a mystery puzzle ball and a secret library, I mean what more could you want?

4. The End and Everything Before It by Finegan Kruckemeyer

The End and Everything Before It by Finegan Kruckemeyer book cover
An intergenerational saga that is far from linear, each generation of characters within The End and Everything Before It offers a parable within their tale, yet this happens without clear dates to place characters in chronological order.

In doing so, Kruckemeyer has produced a highly original, loosely structured dreamlike group of stories connected by geographical proximity through time and I loved this literary fable about love, loss, legacy, purpose and community.

It's an uplifting allegory rich in meaning that makes you appreciate the importance of love and remember we're here for a short time and need to make it count. The ending was sublime and I learned later in the year that an excerpt of my review has been published in the praise section of the book's second printing!

5. 12 Rules For Life - An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson

12 Rules For Life - An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson book cover
It's likely 12 Rules for Life - An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson is now one of my favourite self help books of all time. Incorporating psychology; psychoanalysis; neuroscience; philosophy; ancient and modern literature; history; mythology; religious texts; poetry; current affairs; cases from his work as a clinical psychologist and stories of his life growing up, it's a difficult book to define.

Listening on audiobook to his distinctly Canadian voice, the author's overall message is to encourage and inspire all of mankind to strive and improve themselves and continue to evolve. While plenty of people in the world don't want to do that, or believe they don't need to do that, I don't know anyone who wouldn't benefit from doing precisely that. I'm also planning to read Beyond Order - 12 More Rules For Life this year.

Being published in the praise section of The End and Everything Before It by Finegan Kruckemeyer was an absolute highlight for 2024!

That said, what I love about this year's list is that every book was by a new-to-me author. I've been creating these annual top 5 book lists since 2014 and this is the first time that's ever happened.

Have you read any of the books on the list?

Carpe Librum!

07 January 2025

Review: Panic by Catherine Jinks

Panic by Catherine Jinks book cover

* Copy courtesy of Text Publishing *

Panic by Catherine Jinks is an Australian psychological thriller featuring a character by the name of Bronte who is escaping a serious case of cyber bullying after a drunken post went viral. Desperate for a job, Bronte accepts a live-in position offering room and board to look after dementia sufferer Nell in a large rural property near Bathurst in NSW. An exclusive spiritual retreat business is being run at the property by Nell's daughter Veda and several employees who - unbeknownst to Bronte when she applied for the position - also happen to be sovereign citizens.

Sovereign citizens take issue with authority and don't accept the rule of law or respect the government. When Bronte suspects her boss Veda is a sovereign citizen who refuses to pay tax or register her car, she dismisses her beliefs as harmless conspiracy theories. Living in a caravan removed from the house, Bronte begins caring for Nell but it isn't long before things start to go wrong.

I've never read a book set in the world of sovereign citizens or with a sovereign citizen (SovCit) as a character so this was an absolute first for me. I readily admit I have little interest in - or tolerance for - the movement, however this certainly didn't impact my engagement with Bronte's experience and the tension that quickly began to mount.

There's also a mystery in Panic to be unravelled and some tense situations to navigate which made for an action packed and exciting read. I also enjoyed the creative decision the author made to take the story beyond its natural conclusion to give us a look at what happened after the climax of the main events. And boy what a climax!

I enjoyed The Attack by Catherine Jinks back in 2022, but Panic had way more action and suspense and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Panic by Catherine Jinks is published today and I can highly recommend it!

My Rating:

31 December 2024

Review: The Household by Stacey Halls

The Household by Stacey Halls

The Household by Stacey Halls is set in London in 1847 and centres around the real life opening of Urania Cottage in Shepherd's Bush. British philanthropist Angela Burdett-Coutts was one of the wealthiest women in England and a rich benefactor of the project along with Charles Dickens (yes, THE Charles Dickens). Set up in secret to offer fallen young women a new start in life, young girls - including prostitutes, thieves, orphans and model prisoners released from gaol - were offered the opportunity to live in the cottage, learn all of the skills necessary to enter into service and ultimately move to the colonies.

Inspired by history, The Household is told my multiple narrators, including the benefactor Burdett-Coutts, the housekeeper and several residents living at the cottage. This makes for plenty of drama playing out in the richly appointed cottage.

The young girls come from all backgrounds, but I was really moved when one of the characters described the conditions of the female prisoners picking oakum (unravelling rope) at the Tothill Fields, Westminster House of Correction. For those interested in learning more about picking oakum, I can recommend checking out this short segment from The Worst Jobs in History by Tony Robinson.
"The new girls often cry when their necks hurt and their eyes sting. Most are there a week or two, then vanish; some are on their sixth, seventh, eighth term, as though Tothill Fields is a hotel they return to at leisure. Above the platform, a painted sign declares PRISONERS ARE NOT TO SPEAK TO EACH OTHER. The room is quiet but never silent, punctuated every few seconds with a sigh, a sneeze, a cough. Now it is November, the infirmary is full, and the morgue waits below like a baby bird with its beak open." Page 32
Well written and expertly researched, I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the project, the daily structure and routines at Urania Cottage and of course the challenges faced by the residents.

Thankfully Charles Dickens is a background character in this tale, regularly interviewing the girls about their history and downfall in an effort to prove they can be reformed and return to society. Here Martha reflects on everything that led her to Urania Cottage:
"But a fall is swift, sudden, when really it isn't like that at all. They imagine it to be a seduction or a moment of weakness, as if we carry this precious thing in a little box on our person. But it isn't a single thing, a single moment. It's more like a series of little deaths." Page 105
Along with Burdett-Coutts and the matron of Urania Cottage, the reader comes to care for the characters, although sadly not all want to be saved. Finally, one of the girls (Martha) reflects on her changing fortunes:
"She looks back upon their meeting now with the distance of time, thinking how wondrous life is. Not long ago she was paying a penny to sleep over a rope in a boarding-house; now she is the wife of a clergyman." Page 254
The Household by Stacey Halls is my fourth book by the author and each of them have been 5 star reads. They have all been stand alone historical fiction novels and I can't wait to see what the author writes next. Highly recommended!

For more, check out my reviews of:
The Familiars
The Foundling
Mrs England

My Rating:

23 December 2024

Historical Fiction Challenge Completed 2024

At the beginning of the year I signed up for the Medieval Reader level of the 2024 Historical Fiction Challenge hosted by Marg at The Intrepid Reader. I was required to read 15 historical fiction novels and I managed to read a total of 19 to successfully complete the challenge.

Here's what I read throughout the year 2024:
Historical Fiction Challenge 2024 logo

1. The Bee and the Orange Tree by Melissa Ashley
2. The Beauties by Lauren Chater
3. The Library Thief by Kuchenga Shenjé
4. The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden
5. Black Silk & Sympathy by Deborah Challinor
6. The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See
7. Weyward by Emilia Hart
8. A Short Walk Through a Wide World by Douglas Westerbeke
9. The End and Everything Before It by Finegan Kruckemeyer
10. The President's Hat by Antoine Laurain
11. Hex by Jenni Fagan
12. The Attic Child by Lola Jaye
13. Cuddy by Benjamin Myers
14. The Hatmakers by Tamzin Merchant
15. The Silence Of Bonaventure Arrow by Rita Leganski
16. Psykhe by Kate Forsyth
17. Rapture by Emily Maguire
18. Black Rabbit Hall by Eve Chase
19. The Household by Stacey Halls (reviewing soon)

Have you read any of the books on the list? I'm currently reading and enjoying Dark Serpent by Paul Doherty at the moment and I'm hoping to finish it by the end of the year, bringing my total to 20 books.

Did you read any stand out historical fiction this year or have any recommendations?

Carpe Librum!