04 November 2015

Snail Mail: Rediscovering the Art and Craft of Handmade Correspondence by Michelle Mackintosh

Snail Mail: Rediscovering the Art and Craft of Handmade Correspondence by Michelle Mackintosh book cover
I love sending and receiving things through the mail - cards, letters etc. and receiving something unexpected is such a joy. Perhaps it comes from growing up in a Post Office, and helping to sort the mail as I got older.

I still remember writing to Dolly magazine asking for a penpal and promising to write back to every single letter. The mail came pouring in, and there was no way I could reply to the hundreds of letters, so instead I made a commitment to write back to every person who'd sent me a photo with their letter. 

Times have changed, but I still love to send birthday cards, notes and Christmas cards in the mail, even though people are doing this less and less. Nowadays people wish each other Happy Birthday via text message or a Facebook post, and when I sent my family and friends a change of address card earlier this year, a friend called me 'retro' and another laughingly called me 'old school.'

Well, I'm proud to be old school, and am hanging on to the art of snail mail with everything I've got. I also keep every card and note I've ever received, and can enjoy them long after text messages and Facebook posts are lost to the cloud/ether/black hole of technology.

Michelle Mackintosh is a woman after my own heart. A fellow stationery lover and devotee of the printed word, her book Snail Mail: Rediscovering the Art and Craft of Handmade Correspondence was an absolute joy to read.

I certainly didn't need any convincing when it comes to the benefits of sending a sentiment in the post, but she gave me plenty of inspiration and ideas that I could be making more of what I do send. If you're looking for inspiration and want to send more snail mail in your life, then I heartily recommend Snail Mail. This beautiful book is full of ideas, examples and inspiration and is the perfect place to start.

If you want me to send you something in the mail, drop me a line here with your address (if I don't already have it) and I'll see what I can do :-)

My rating = *****

Carpe Librum!

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  1. Next to growing up in a library, growing in a post office wold be the BEST thing! Lucky you!

    I love snail mail too although I seem to have lost my steam on my outgoing list. Thanks for the reminder that I need to work on this lovely art - and to read this book!

  2. Thanks Debbie, I really hope you get going again on your 'outgoing list,' you'll bring joy to so many, and have fun in the process. If you can get your hands on this book from the library, that'll inspire you even more, but for a quick hit, just google 'snail mail art' or 'mail art' and go to images. ooohhhhh, drool!


Thanks for your comment, Carpe Librum!