14 October 2015

Review: Love Letters of Great Men by Ursula Doyle

Love Letters of Great Men by Ursula Doyle is a collection that includes personal and private letters from some great names in history and literature, including: 

- King Henry VIII (writing to Anne Boleyn)
- Mozart (writing to his wife)
- Napoleon writing to his wife Josephine
- Beethoven (writing to his Immortal Beloved)
- Mark Twain (writing to Olivia Langdon)
- Oscar Wilde (writing to Lord Alfred Douglas)
and more!

A short introduction is given to each letter which was concise and welcome background setting the scene.

Some of the letters were beautifully written, some poorly written (but all reproduced in type font, so don't worry, you don't have to read their handwriting) and some just down right possessive. I'm talking about you Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Page 37):
But I should not like you to take long walks without me. I entreat you to follow my advice exactly, for it comes from my heart.

So, it turns out Mozart was possessive, jealous and just a tad bossy. Who knew?

For more insights into the love lives of 41 men from history, check out Love Letters of Great Men by Ursula Doyle.

My rating = ***

Carpe Librum!

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  1. This sounds lovely! No one writes letters anymore, but I love seeing how well done it was in the past.

  2. Thanks Susan, it's definitely inspiring. A romantic email or text message just isn't the same is it?


Thanks for your comment, Carpe Librum!